Clomid Side Effects – Know the Risks

Clomid is one of the most commonly prescribed and best known fertility drugs in use today. Most women who experience difficulties getting pregnant are prescribed 6 cycles of Clomid as their first fertility treatment option. It is a go-to choice for many because of its relatively short list of side effects, most of which tend to be mild for most women. But, mild or not, the side effects are still something you need to be aware of if you are considering Clomid.

Common Clomid Side Effects

Clomid has been known to cause these side effects in women. Note that in most cases, these side effects are relatively mild and easily tolerated;

•    Bloating and mild cramping
•    Hot Flashes
•    Nausea
•    Mood Swings
•    Breast Tenderness
•    Headaches
•    Spotting
•    Multiple Births

The side effects experienced and the severity differ from women to women and not all experiences are the same. For most women, the side effects are mild and usually stop after a cycle is completed. If you find that any of your side effects are especially bothersome or severe then you need to speak to your doctor.

Less Common Side Effects

Even though the below side effects have been reported in less than 1 percent of the women taking Clomid, it’s still important to know what risks you may face before starting treatment. These are the less common Clomid side effects:

•    Blurred vision
•    Weight Gain

Again, these Clomid side effects are much less common than the others already listed, but they do exist.

Potentially Serious Clomid Side Effects

Before taking any fertility drug, even one as commonly used as Clomid, you need to be sure that you’re aware of any risk involved. Clomid comes with a few potentially serious side effects that you need to know about. Again, these are not common but are a possibility. And, these more serious side effects can actually impede your chances of getting pregnant;

•    Thick Cervical Mucus: When your cervical mucus becomes thick it can interfere with your chances of getting pregnant. Cervical mucus is needed to assist in transporting the sperm to the cervix. Thick cervical mucus or vaginal dryness should be reported to your doctor right away.

•    Ovarian Cysts: A small number of women have developed ovarian cysts while taking Clomid. Though the cysts usually go away once the medication is stopped, ovarian cysts can cause other complications and side effects. And, though most ovarian cysts are benign, they do need to be monitored to confirm that no cancer is present.

•    OHSS (Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome): OHSS is more common in other fertility drugs than in Clomid, but it is one of the possible Clomid side effects that you need to look out for as it is very serious and potentially dangerous. It can cause all of the side effects already listed but with a much higher severity. If you experience any severe pain or discomfort, drastic weight gain or a rapid heartbeat, see a doctor right away.

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