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Gwynn - June 26th, 2010 2:58 PM

My sister is an insomniac and I was wondering if this can contribute to fertility problems since she does not get adequate rest.

Mandy - June 26th, 2010 4:59 PM

There is a big possiblity it can since we all know that stress can lead to infertility problems. Having a well rested body can improve fertility and insomniacs are usually tired an cranky. :(

Wells - June 28th, 2010 1:46 AM

the brain controls our whole body. during insomnia our brain gets a short break to reboot itself. this will impact a lot of things and not just infertility.

AndrewStevens - June 28th, 2010 3:17 AM

I think I have to agree with you guys. Although I don't know any insomniacs, I know what it's like to operate on little or no sleep! You are tired, cranky and everything seems to be colored grey... It's quite depressing when you don't sleep well!

KIT - June 29th, 2010 3:15 AM

I am cranky when I get little sleep too. Plus you are not always yourself and more grumpy. I can already imagine how tired and achy everything feels. Maybe your sister should seek treatment for her insomnia. The brain needs at least 8 hours of rest in order to function correctly at all times.

Cheerlce - June 30th, 2010 1:41 PM

to think that you can not sleep, is a big event within me for I cannot do exactly what I wanted to do, if my mind can not rest for a while, much more to those who have problem in sleeping, like insomnia! Oh, I'm afraid that it is true that it is a big contributor in infertility.

mitch123 - September 6th, 2010 3:50 AM

it can. you are tired and stressed all the time. your sister should get help and sleeping aids.

RamsesIII - September 11th, 2010 2:55 AM

People who are frequently stress or have high stress levels often develop heart disease or get a stroke. This is why insomnia is a deceptive disease as it can complicate other diseases too.

Sleep is the brain's rest. Although it does not shut down completely, it has less things to do. This is why sleep is important.

Dont you notice that you are more likely to make mistakes when you dont get sleep? You are also crankier and moodier too.

moviegoers - September 12th, 2010 1:43 PM

a woman who has insomnia may or may not have fertilization. it depends upon the physical body of a woman, she may sustain the sleepless moments and still she has fertility.
while there is another case that a woman can not sustain not having a sleep for 2 hrs.

KlareMae - September 13th, 2010 7:11 PM

I agree with their advices.
But it is much better to seek the advice of the knowledgeable persons.

HopePaul - September 14th, 2010 1:05 PM

It is very important that our body can have a good night rest.It is in sleeping that we can rest so that we can have strength for the next day.
But if it is hard to take a sleepless night.

K3lly - February 4th, 2011 2:12 AM

Under stress our sleep cycles are commonly disturbed. People under stress find it hard to have a restful sleep. The resulting sleep deprivation and insomnia alter the daily rhythms of several hormones involved in reproduction and fertility. This in turn can contribute to infertility.


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