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Clv86 - February 19th, 2011 3:59 PM

Hello all,
Just want some friendly advice really, I am 24 and happily married to a lovely 26 year old man. I suffer from polycycystic ovary syndrome and so I am aware of the possibility of having trouble concieving. My doctor has said to start trying no later than 27 just in case. The problem is that I am doing a degree 2 years in and 2 to go and once qualified will have to work as a trainee for a year so by then I will 27. My husband and I own our 1 bed flat and can not sell due to the recession and so have no space for a baby. My husband wants to wait in the hope that by the time I complete my trainee year the Market will have recovered enough for us to sell and buy a house and in principle I agree. The difficulty I am having is being so scared I will be unable to concieve


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