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Maragirl - February 20th, 2011 2:45 PM

What are the best methods in how to become pregnant with a baby girl? Besides learning which methods are the safest and most effective, it`s also crucial to learn the features of certain techniques that you should avoid. That`s because some of them can either be ineffective or worse—dangerous.

I heard that there are some particular treatments to avoid, do you know them?


simplyDonna - February 20th, 2011 3:24 PM

one particular treatment that you should avoid is surgeries...
Since surgeries by definition involve cutting, these procedures can be quite painful. Labor pains can be excruciating enough, so it`s best to avoid any pain caused in creating the opportunity to experience those pains! As with any other surgery, those used to induce pregnancies can not only be painful, but can cause other problems as well. There`s always the chance that something could go wrong, which could cause various unwanted post-operative complications. They could involve new medical problems, other necessary surgeries, and even the inability to become pregnant-- forever! So while sometimes surgeries are unavoidable, it`s best to avoid them unless they`re absolutely necessary.

Godess@2011 - February 20th, 2011 3:29 PM

Fertility Drugs as Well,

This is modern science`s solution on how to become pregnant with a baby girl or baby boy. In fact, it`s become so popular that it`s grown to an industry that`s worth $1 billion annually! The problem is that these medications can cause an array of unwanted side effects, including an extremely grave one: ovarian cancer. The manmade chemicals in the medicine fail to naturally seek a hormonal balance in the woman. In fact, various scientific studies have shown that such fertility drugs can make the occurrence of ovarian cancer three times higher!

Miss.Junky - February 20th, 2011 4:15 PM

another one! In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), is definitely the most common Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) as a method for how to become pregnant with a baby girl. In fact, it`s the ART that couples use more than 95% of the time! Simply put, this process involves using a laboratory to join a human egg and sperm. To initiate the pregnancy, a medical practitioner then transfers the embryos into the woman`s uterus.

Depoo - February 20th, 2011 4:39 PM

So what`s the problem with IVF?

Kevin - February 20th, 2011 5:06 PM

i like this topic..coz i really want to have baby girl for the next time..for now i have 2 boys already ...

preciouswoman - February 20th, 2011 5:11 PM

to start with, various IVF programs in Australia have resulted in multiple pregnancies. This type of pregnancy increases the likelihood of premature birth and significantly increases the chance that the baby will experience brain damage. So this is yet another procedure that you should certainly avoid, if you want to encourage pregnancy through a safe and holistic method.

Betsky - February 22nd, 2011 4:49 AM

great! i have now tips to have a bb girl :D


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