
When you�re having problems getting pregnant, diagnostic fertility tests such as and ultrasound scanning are the first steps in assessing fertility problems that might be hindering your chances of getting pregnant. However, more advanced fertility tests are also important steps in determining what factors can be affecting your ability to get pregnant. These tests, such as a laparoscopy, are often essential steps in determining what fertility treatments are best suited to your getting pregnant needs.


How A Laparoscopy Works

A laparoscopy is a full surgical procedure in which a narrow probe with a telescopic end, known as a laparoscope, is inserted through a small incision made just below your navel. Vaginal preparation for this type of fertility testing surgery is generally not required.

By providing a visualization of your peritoneal cavity, ovaries and the outside of the fallopian tubes and uterus, a laparoscopy provides your fertility specialist with a sophisticated assessment of the state of your reproductive organs, as well as your overall reproduction health.

As it is a full surgical procedure, a laparoscopy requires an anesthetic. A laparoscope enables your fertility specialist to view your uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, providing her with a full assessment of your pelvic region.

A second incision is made just above the line of the pubic hair and a small amount of carbon dioxide gas is injected in order to separate the organs so that they can be seen more easily.

This type of fertility testing may be combined with a hysterosalpinogram or a hysteroscopy, a procedure which involves the insertion of a lighted scope through the cervix in order to view the inside of the uterus.

Generally, a laparoscopy does not require an overnight stay in the hospital and is usually performed as a day surgery, meaning that you can go home once you have recovered from the effects of the anesthetic.


Side Effects of a Laparoscopy

The main side effects of a laparoscopy are more a result of the anesthetic than the procedure itself. However, you may experience light bleeding or sore shoulders (due to the carbon dioxide). Painkillers are usually prescribed to alleviate these symptoms. Also, you�ll have some stitches where the incisions were made, which will be removed a few days after the laparoscopy is performed.

In addition, you will feel fatigued for a few days after laparoscopy surgery; therefore it is important not to engage in any strenuous activity.

Also, while watery, pink-tinged drainage from your incisions is normal, abnormal drainage could be a sign of infection, as is redness, swelling and pain. Therefore, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should consult with your doctor immediately.

It is safe to resume sexual intercourse two to three days after having a laparoscopy.

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