From A To C In Nine Months

They Look Great, Just Don't Touch!

Truth be told, you really like the way your breasts are looking these days. They are large, full, and sexy. However, they are also impossible to touch. Fastening your bra can be a most uncomfortable experience; in fact, just putting the fabric to your flesh generates discomfort. All of this and you are only two months into your pregnancy. How long does this go on?

Most women experience breast soreness just prior to their menstrual period, when hormones are changing to provide for sloughing off the uterine lining. Now that you are pregnant, there is an increase in hormonal activity in your body. This increased activity causes even greater blood flow and changes to the tissue of your breasts as they begin preparation for feeding your baby. The result is swollen breasts that are often sore and very sensitive to touch. It is almost like pre-period soreness times 10. Breast soreness is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and, thankfully, it usually subsides by the end of the first trimester.

Other Changes You Can Expect

Along with the soreness, your breasts will begin to grow, and will continue to do so throughout your pregnancy. It is common for your breast size to increase one or two cup sizes, sometimes even more. As your breasts grow and become larger, the skin can become itchy as it stretches. Stretch marks may occur on your breasts as they fill out. You may see veins under the skin of your breasts and your nipples will become larger and darker.

The areola-the darker pigment around the nipple of the breast-will also widen and become darker as your pregnancy progresses. Little bumps will appear on the areolas. Actually, they were there all of the time, but when you are pregnant, they become more pronounced. These bumps are glands that produce oil called Montgomery's tubercles. This exciting little change is another preparation your body is making to enable you to breastfeed your baby.

Starting Milk Production

By the time you reach your third month of pregnancy, your breasts begin milk production. The initial milk is called colostrum, a thick, yellowish fluid, which may begin leaking from your breasts as you approach the last months of your pregnancy. In the old days, they used to call it "first milk" and it contains all kinds of good things for your baby. It is the first milk the baby receives when you begin nursing.

How To Manage These Monsters

As your breasts change and grow throughout your pregnancy, remember that comfort is paramount. It is not a good idea to restrict your breasts in bras that are too small. There are countless excellent maternity shops, as well as department and lingerie stores, that have knowledgeable staff who can help you find a good fitting bra. Choose bras without underwires and without seams in the nipple area of the cups. You may want to purchase one or two bras in larger sizes to accommodate future growth. A comfortable, soft, bra to sleep in is a good idea as well. Toward the end of your pregnancy, you may want to be fitted for a nursing bra, which you will need anyway.

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