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Intsik - March 18th, 2011 2:46 PM


Van28 - March 19th, 2011 1:15 PM

sperm health depends on the quantity, quality and motility. this are very important factors that affects fertility.

Diane - March 19th, 2011 2:12 PM

to increase men chances of producing healthy sperm he should take a multivitamin daily. A multivitamin can help provide nutrients that are important for optimal sperm production and function like rich in vitamin c and E.

Lorena - March 19th, 2011 2:40 PM

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants, which may help improve sperm health.

Belle.sweet - March 19th, 2011 2:44 PM

Men should get plenty of physical activity coz this is good for reproductive health as well as overall health. however , don't overdo it. If you exercise to exhaustion, you may experience a temporary change in hormone levels and a drop in sperm quality.

jen - March 19th, 2011 3:07 PM

its important to men to watch their weight. Too much body fat can reduce your sperm count and increase chances of abnormal sperm. You're most likely to produce high-quality sperm if you maintain a healthy weight.

Carmi - March 19th, 2011 3:35 PM

He should have a healthy lifestyle. eating the right food especially rich in vitamin C and E and avoid smoking and too much alcohol. this can help make sperm healthy.

Pinky - March 19th, 2011 3:44 PM

eating seafoods especially oysters. This increases sperm count and motility. oyster is a good source of zinc that helps to make sperm healthy.

Mamasgirl - March 19th, 2011 4:34 PM

to make sperm healthy man should "again should" stop smoking. Also, less your intake of alcohol and must have a healthy lifestyle.

[email protected] - March 23rd, 2011 10:31 AM

Hi everyone, I am 32 and my wife is 10years older than me...We have a girl but she worries about getting pregnant for her age...she does self-test every week;;;; I feel obliged or she is smart? ...anyways....people say it;s quite efective with testimonials, if anybody knows some more check below


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