hoosing an ART Clinic

If you’re considering assisted reproductive technology (ART) in order to improve your chances of getting pregnant, choosing the right clinic for you and your partner is essential to making your getting pregnant journey as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

While choosing an ART clinic can be a daunting experience, our Choosing A Clinic guide is designed to make choosing the best ART clinic for you a process in which you and your partner are actively involved, and in which you are both brought closer to achieving your goal of getting pregnant. While it is designed specifically for couples seeking IVF treatment, our guide can be a helpful tool in choosing a clinic for a variety of ART treatments.

Choosing an ART Clinic

When choosing an ART clinic, it is important to consider the following criteria:

  • Location. Because you will need to visit the clinic regularly, it is ideal to choose a clinic that is close to your home. This cuts down on travel time, and reduces any unnecessary stress to the already often-overwhelming process of getting pregnant via ART treatment
  • Success Rates. While many people focus on success rates for a clinic, it’s important to remember that success rates are not always straightforward. For example, a clinic with an apparently high success rate may not be successful in treating your specific fertility problem. And a clinic with a low rate of success may have handled patients who, for a variety of reasons, already had a low chance of success in getting pregnant. So while taking success rates into consideration is important, they should be viewed as a guideline only. Ask staff at potential clinics what their success rates are for your specific fertility issue
  • Price. A more expensive ART clinic doesn’t necessarily mean it will help you get pregnant any sooner than a less expensive clinic. Keep in mind too that fees quoted usually don’t include the cost of drugs, and it is usually impossible to predict what the drug cost will be, as they are administered on a daily basis, depending on the rate at which your follicles develop
  • Size. Do you want a small and intimate clinic where you may benefit from the psychological advantages of knowing everyone on the fertility team, or is it more important to you that the clinic be a big centre that handles thousands of fertility cycles a year and that is involved in the latest research? Is it important for you to have a nurse you can talk to at any time? Do you feel you would like to go to an ART clinic big enough to be running information sessions on a regular basis so you and your partner can attend in advance to see the facilities on offer? All these are important factors to consider when choosing a fertility clinic
  • Ambience. When you first make contact with a clinic, try and get a feel for the clinic’s ambience and for the personalities of the staff that works there. Does the staff make you feel welcome and that you will be treated kindly, or are they cold and unhelpful?

Find additional information on how to choose an ART clinic at this site.

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