Answering Your Questions about Clomid

Clomid is one of the best known and most commonly used fertility drugs. Clomid is the brand name while the drug itself is called Clomiphene Citrate. The same drug is also sold under other brand names, including Serophene. The reason for its popularity is in part to do with its price as well as low rate of side effects. It is given to women who are not ovulating regularly and want to get pregnant.

What Does Clomid Do?

Clomid works to stimulate ovulation in women who are having trouble conceiving because of irregular cycles or anovulation. It is used on its own and sometimes in conjunction with IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). It also is commonly prescribed to women who suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). And, many couples prefer it as their first option before trying other fertility treatments. This is because of its ease and price. It is usually recommended to a couple who has been trying but unable to conceive for a year for unknown reasons (unexplained infertility) or because of infertility caused by PCOS.

Does Clomid Work?

As far as Clomid’s ability to kick start ovulation, it has a success rate of approximately 80 percent. The amount of women who go on to get pregnant using Clomid falls between 40 and 45 percent. (Note that these numbers are based on a use of 6 cycles which is the maximum number of cycles recommended for Clomid use)

What Are the Side Effects?

Clomid is known to produce fewer side effects than most other fertility drugs on the market today. The most common Clomid side effects include nausea, breast tenderness and mood swings. Some women have also reported experiencing hot flashes while on Clomid. Another of the Clomid side effects is the increased chance of having multiple births. The reported risk is a 10 percent increase in the possibility of having twins.

How is Clomid Taken?

Clomid comes in pill form and should be taken as prescribed by your doctor or fertility specialist. There is a misconception that taking more Clomid can increase your chances of getting pregnant, but this is not true. As a matter of fact, too much Clomid can lower your chances of conceiving even further by causing problems with the quality of your cervical mucus. It can also cause changes in the thickness of the lining of the uterus. It is not advised to stray from the recommended dosage.

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