Getting Pregnant and Fertility Drugs: Pregonal

The joys and tears of parenthood is a stage most couples look forward to at some point in their lives. If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, talk to your local health care provider or doctor about ways to boost your chances of getting pregnant or your partner’s odds of conceiving. Don’t feel discouraged. Ask today about the fertility drugs suitable for you or your partner to improve your combined fertility. Your doctor might recommend the fertility drug Pregonal.

What is Pregonal?

Pregonal is one popular brand for the generic drug menotropin. Menotropin consists of a purified mixture of the gonadotropin hormones FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinising hormone). These hormones are extracted from the urine of postmenopausal women.

Menotropins help treat both male and female infertility problems if their bodies do not respond to other fertility drugs. To understand how Pregonal works, it’s essential to review the functions FSH and LH, since Pregonal mimics the actions of these hormones.

Hormones: FSH and LH

In females, FSH mainly works to stimulate the growth of the ovarian follicle. This includes aiding in the development of the egg and the cells encircling the egg. The surrounding cells secrete hormones, such as estrogen. One of the functions of estrogen includes thickening the endometrium (uterine lining) before LH triggers ovulation.

Following ovulation, cells form the corpus luteum and release the hormone progesterone. Progesterone targets the cells in the endometrium to release special proteins that prepare the uterus to nourish and implant a fertilized egg. If implantation does not occur, the levels of progesterone and estrogen drop, causing the endometrium to shed and menstruation begins.

Pregonal Helps Treat:

In women, Pregonal is commonly used to either stimulate the growth of the ovarian follicle or produce several follicles for in vitro fertilization. Pregonal also helps treat the following conditions:

In men, Pregonal is commonly used to improve sperm health. It may also be used to treat the following conditions:

Your doctor could have also prescribed Pregonal for other uses not listed above. If you’re not sure why you have been prescribed this medication, contact your health care provider or doctor immediately and ask. Do not stop the medication without consulting your doctor because it may lead to adverse outcomes.

Taking Pregonal

Pregonal is taken by intramuscular injections. The dose of Pregonal depends on your condition and will be decided by your doctor. On average, Pregonal is taken once a day for seven or more days. Typically doctors will prescribe human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)It’s important that the doses are taken as instructed and you visit your doctor for regular monitoring. If you miss a dose, notify your doctor who may change your dosage of Pregonal to compensate for the missed dose.

Side Effects and Risks

Some of the side effects and risks reported with the use of Pergonal and other menotrophins theraphy include:

  • Pulmonary and vascular complications
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
  • Ovarian enlargement
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Admoninal pain
  • Menotropins sensiitivty (Flu-like symptoms)
  • Pain and swelling at injection site
  • Body rashes
  • Multiple pregnancies

Note that these adverse reactions do not occur in all Pregonal and menotropin users. If you have more questions or concerns about other possible side effects or risks that may result from the use of this medication consult your doctor for more information. This should be done before you decide to take the medication.


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