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38stella - June 2nd, 2010 1:05 AM

what are the causes of having an acidic vagina? having an acidic vagina can kill sperms and is difficult to conceive if that is the case.

Georgie - June 2nd, 2010 4:08 AM

Acidic vagina? I haven't heard of this before..hmmn, I'm curious why the vagina becomes is probably by some factor called infection.

heatherlyn - June 2nd, 2010 4:11 AM

Yes, it is a vaginal yeast infection that caused by a certain fungus called Candida Albicans.

Candice - June 2nd, 2010 5:31 PM

Do you mean that your vagina has a high PH level? This is usually caused by bacteria or diet. There are feminine wash that can regulate the vagina's PH.

topsecret - June 2nd, 2010 9:12 PM

this is not a very big problem as long you don't have any vaginal disease. keeping the normal ph is easy. just be careful if you have multiple partners, use a condom.

WhitE - June 2nd, 2010 10:03 PM

Yes, and better yet avoid having multiple partners. It can also give you bigger problems than just the infertility issues.

38stella - June 2nd, 2010 11:34 PM

women in our very nature should see to it that our private organ is healthy and may have to check it once in awhile to remedy the situation right away if such problems occur.

Candice - July 19th, 2010 2:41 PM

I think this is more of a diet issue or a hormonal problem.


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