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bOrncOnfused - October 8th, 2010 3:44 AM

I read in yahoo that consuming a bit of cinnamon everyday helps fight bad cholesterol. I think this is great considering how cholesterol can contribute to obesity and in turn contributes to infertility issues.

denise - October 8th, 2010 4:18 AM

Really, this is something informative. Think I have to practice having cinnamon see I have lots of cholesterol stored in my body..hope with your info, I can totally eliminate all these by eating cinnamon.

tonette - October 8th, 2010 11:59 PM

Yes, it's true cinnamon is such a tasty spice and it's good for fertility too. To think, it's so inexpensive and gives benefits to health. So, let's add this to our diet.

bOrncOnfused - October 9th, 2010 3:13 AM

BTW, there's a bakery in town that sells delicious cinnamon buns... they're delicious with coffee. too bad we gave up coffee to help get pregnant... but at least we can still eat the cinnamon buns once in a while. :D

ImABabyMama - October 10th, 2010 1:32 AM

This post is making me hungry! We all know lots of food that helps lower cholesterol and this includes onions too! =)

xXxNANxXx - October 11th, 2010 2:55 AM

Cinnamon is yummy. However, let's not forget to consume "just a bit" and not over do it. Sticky buns and other sweets have lots of sugar so eating lots of cinnamon rolls would be counter productive!

zzerrgzz - October 13th, 2010 2:44 AM

there are a lot of herbs and spices that can help with fertility. However, I believe that they should be used with other techniques to make them more effective.

Guinevere - October 15th, 2010 2:50 AM

cinnamon is delicious and yes it is great with coffee. sadly i havent had real coffee in a long time...

heatherlyn - October 17th, 2010 2:06 AM

Don't know that such good and healthful food as cinnamon can also be of great help in fighting cholesterol.

scales - October 24th, 2010 2:11 AM

cinnamon??? really???

Not really too fond of cinnamon... but you know, whatever helps with fertility should be explored. We've tried different sorts of stuff over the years but we still have to get lucky... =)


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