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BabyRuth - July 15th, 2010 3:23 AM

i found this cute fertility bracelet when i went online earlier. it has different colour beads that represent different phases in your cycle with the silver ball representing the day of ovulation. it comes with a charm that you can move everyday so that you will know where you are during your cycle.

this is a great... and cute... tool for women with regular cycles.

madame_cora - July 16th, 2010 2:47 AM

I have one too. Mine has blue colored beads that are light just after my period. it gets darker when ovulation is near and for the expected day of ovulation i have this big dark red bead. the charm I move everyday says "baby". cute, no? :D

actually my husband says that you can have it custom made for women with irregular periods so that it is easy to keep track even if you dont menstrate regularly.

BigPapa - July 17th, 2010 3:39 AM

this sounds cute and its a really helpful tool. do you have the link so that we can see what it looks like?

Joannie - July 18th, 2010 3:01 AM

cute! i found one on an etsy shop that is also made up of colorful beads. i had one made that spells our name and the charm says: Sydney. which is what we want to name our future child. Good unisex name, dontchathink? :D

raquel_q - July 18th, 2010 7:07 PM

hey want one tooo!!!! post link please!


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