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Marianne5 - April 13th, 2011 2:27 AM

My tip for everybody: To increase chances of fertilization ladies should have an orgasm. The contraction of the vaginal walls can greatly increase the chances of sperm being sucked into the uterus!

Bea_me - April 13th, 2011 8:07 AM

oh, the Big O. why is it not as easy for us women to come to an orgasm like men? maybe it is just a me problem?

come to think of it, I've had partners before who were not considerate of giving pleasure to anyone but themselves. pigs!


IAMToni - April 14th, 2011 2:55 AM

I agree. Orgasms are usually 50-50 for us ladies. However since it is important and more pleasureable to do so, tell your partners to be more considerate.

IAMToni - April 15th, 2011 12:28 AM

ahhh... so now we can tell them to give us an O or else.... LOL!

dramaqueen - April 16th, 2011 4:04 PM

this is important but often times looked over when you are simply having sex for sex's sake. when you are trying to get pregnant for years you feel very pressured so pleasure sometimes takes a back seat.


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