actually this may help everyone too!
Morning Sickness
About one-half of all pregnant women experience some form of morning sickness (nausea, vomiting, etc.) in early pregnancy.
3.Sore Breasts and Changes in Areola.
Breasts may feel more sensitive. This is one more sign that you may be pregnant. Breast sensitivity is a common phenomenon in early pregnancy. Along with more sensitive breasts, you may notice a slight darkening of the areola, the concentric zone which surrounds the nipple.
4. Mucus Plug / Cervical Mucus Discharge
In early pregnancy, cervical mucous will form a mucous plug, a barrier that helps protect the baby. As a result, you may notice a bit of vaginal discharge.
5. Frequent Urination
As the baby grows larger in your uterus, you will likely feel that you need to urinate more often. Also, bloating may be experienced as well.
6. Headaches
Besides morning sickness, you may experience headaches as well, due to hormonal changes.
7. Implantation Bleeding
Around the time when implantation occurs (the moment when the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterine wall), it's not uncommon to notice a bit of spotting. You would look for this sign at around eight to ten days after you last ovulated. Spotting as a result of implantation usually looks a bit different than your regular period; it tends to be light in volume and pinkish in color, as opposed to the deep red color associated with regular menstrual bleeding.
8. Elevated Basal Temperature
An elevated basal body temperature past the time when your period is due is another possible indicator of pregnancy. Women who are fertility charting with our basal thermometer will be looking for this.
9. Constipation
Another sign of pregnancy is constipation. This is caused by certain hormones which are present in early pregnancy relaxing your intestines and slowing the digestive process.
10. From Enhanced Smell to Complexion Problems
These above pregnancy signs are ones often experienced in early pregnancy - but that's not to say there aren't others, including an enhanced sense of smell, fatigue, hunger, weepiness, heartburn, complexion problems.