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Lessen stress, increase vitamin and vegetable intake, proper diet and exercise. |
You can always ask your doctor for fertility medication after you have a check up. There are medicine to stimulate ovaries, regulate hormones and other stuff. |
Just have a good and healthy will really increase your fertility even you are already 35 years old. |
At 35, it is not impossible to get pregnant but it is a challenge especially since your window of opportunity gets smaller each year. |
It gets challenging as you and your partner gets older. Males also have reduced testosterone levels as they age. And while sperm is still produced throughout the lifetime, it decreases in quality too. |
Fertility is more challenging after you hit 35. We have declining egg quality plus our body just wont cooperate with the whole pregnancy thing anymore. Im not saying this is impossible just harder. |
I use supplements like ginseng panax, drink lots of water and exercise. i think this is the best you can do naturally. other than that there is medication like clomid and the others to help you with getting pregnant. |
Well, for me, I prefer a natural remedies than the artificial one because since it's fertility after 35, then I want to have it more safe and have no side effects. |
It can be challenging to conceive when over 35. I trust in natural means, so I check my basal temperature (cyclotest) to find out when I'm ovulating and take herbs(Alchemilla, Agnus castus) that can help womens fertility. |
I favor for myself to use the natural remedies because for me, I always find it safe and gives a lot of health benefits to our body apart from being good as infertility boosters. |