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Mikoto - September 12th, 2010 2:31 PM

what is this leptin and how is it related to infertility?

Is it a fertility medication?

Artemis - September 13th, 2010 1:12 AM

leptin has something to do with energy balance. leptin balance way beyond the normal can lead to poor egg quality.

It also has something to do with extreme exercise and fat loss...

that's all I can remember... :(

KIT - September 13th, 2010 2:41 AM

maybe if you have too much or too little leptin this screws up with your body fat making it hard to get pregnant?

SJ23 - September 15th, 2010 2:36 AM

Fat or too much of it can cause more hormones to be dumped into the blood stream. This causes hormonal imbalance which makes it hard for a woman to get pregnant.

candyKane - September 16th, 2010 3:19 AM

Leptin regulates energy intake and output. Perhaps if you have too much leptin you are not expending energy and you have fat storages. this is perhaps why you have fertility problems.

YORKIE - September 16th, 2010 11:52 PM

So does it follow that obese women have more leptin compared to normal weight women?

RamsesIII - September 17th, 2010 3:40 AM

most probably since leptin makes the hormones get screwed and fat contributes to this.

JohnDoe - September 17th, 2010 4:20 PM

So we should all weigh within our optimum weight. OR else our hormones get screwed and we have a hard time getting pregnant. This is just not about Leptin but proper and healthy diets and bodies.

xXxNANxXx - September 19th, 2010 2:09 AM

exercise to get rid of excess fat. eat a balanced diet to regulate hormones. live a healthy lifestyle and stay away from excess stress.

follow these tips and you dont have to worry about fluctuating leptin levels.

joanne - October 1st, 2010 11:46 AM

Leptin is an example of a 16kda protein hormone that is produced in the fat cells of the body. I don't think it has to do with infertility.

mildred - October 6th, 2010 10:17 AM

Sorry, this is something new to me.But i want to thank you guys for having this very informative posts..I do learn something from this forum. Thanks again.


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