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Sybil - April 2nd, 2011 7:02 AM

we all know that stress, drugs, alcohol and smoking is bad for conception. what lifestyle changes have you made to help conception?

sheermom - April 3rd, 2011 2:28 AM

i choose for a healthier lifestyle like eating the right kind of foods and drinks more exercise and sleeping early at night.

Melanie - April 5th, 2011 2:54 AM

we've both stopped smoking. we only have a glass of red every dinner. Before I smoked around 10 sticks per day. My hubby the same and we used to drink a bottle a day. Now we've toned it down.

smiley - April 5th, 2011 11:49 AM

Better quit the unhealthy vices. There are lots of tips to slowly quit those vices which can cause more illnesses and mostly resulting to death. Most of my friends who are change smokers, eat candies instead of smoking if they feel like throwing up. For those, pregnant women, you must eat healthy foods. Pregnant women should think of this,"You're not only putting yourself at risk of smoking during pregnancy, but every time you inhale cigarette smoke, it is inhaled by the baby as well."

Norelyn - April 5th, 2011 11:55 AM

One of the tips to quit smoking is try to think of something to do instead of smoking; you might chew gum, eat candies or drink a glass of water.

momMorgan - April 8th, 2011 1:49 AM

quit all the vices and be more productive


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