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Patty - May 20th, 2010 5:09 PM

Ive heard old wives tales that orgasm can increase chances of getting pregnant. This is not true. Pregnancy happens when the sperm fertilizes the egg and has nothing to do with getting the "o".

Lilanie - May 21st, 2010 5:18 AM

Yes, I've heard about it too but I think it depends on which orgasm comes first. If the woman's orgasm comes first than the man, then they will have more chances of getting pregnant.

heatherlyn - May 21st, 2010 5:21 AM

The female orgasm has nothing to do with pregnancy, and orgasm and ovulation are completely independent, that's why I don't believe in such a thing.

janeth - May 21st, 2010 5:36 AM

Yes, i agree because orgasm really has nothing to do with conception. It is all about meeting with the sperm and egg at the right time.

Ysah - May 21st, 2010 5:38 AM

Exactly! many has experience wonderful and satisfying orgasm during intercourse but unfortunately, wasn't able to get pregnant.

marc_west - May 21st, 2010 3:47 PM

Orgasm is just a by-product of sex. The important thing when you want to get pregnant is timing the conception. Its great when you orgasm but the "main event" is getting the sperm to the egg at the right time.

Candice - May 23rd, 2010 4:38 PM

But wouldn't it be great if an orgasm were a sign that you've conceived! hahaha! it would be outrageous!

Seth - July 18th, 2010 6:38 PM

See, i knew that was more to orgasm than just bringing pleasure. Everything has a purpose and this is orgasm's!


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