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I have tried all three and they can be quite accurate in predicting ovulation. natural ways of doing this are more time consuming than say an ovulation kit but since natural is better, we should all try some of these at some point. |
Ive don BBT. The first time I did it i bought the wrong thermomenter. Oh well, you learn as you go. with fertility it can be confusing at first but you get the feel of it after reasearch and guidance from your doctor. |
Natural is also cheaper. All you need is a bit of time and a journal to keep track of your records. At least this way your body wont have to deal with medications and other physical intrusions. |
We should utilize all tools be it natural or artificial when we want to get pregnant. Natural ways are great but they are not as accurate as an ovulation kit for example. These measure a surge in hormones and are more precise than say observing your cervical mucus. |
We have done BBT but so far we are not successful. My guess is that for older couples it gets doubly hard and natural methods should go hand in hand with medical ones. |
It is good that you post those natural ways so those may be used by those persons needed to conceive. |
You should do research on all the tools that can help you get pregnant. Most of them like these three mentioned are easy ways of telling. They are also free which is good news! Well except for BBT because you have to get a thermomenter for that one. |