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Alexxa - March 1st, 2011 10:06 AM

Hello Alexxa here. I'm 28 and still struggling for that one big break in a big city. I work as a waitress at a club. People smoke inside the establishment and I am there for like 10 hours every night.

Will inhaling cigarrette smoke or 2nd-hand smoking affect my chances of conceiving?

Claudia-Gaines - March 1st, 2011 6:41 PM

It is a known fact that the effects of 2nd-hand smoking is worse than smoking itself.

Another known fact is that smoking, 2nd hand or not, but due to its prolonged exposure, will affect the fertility of both women and men. Understand that this does not mean you can't get pregnant. It only lessens the chances to a certain degree.

My dear, if you plan to get pregnant soon I suggest you quit that job. Find another one. There should be other jobs out there that have less health risks posed on you.


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