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Edaeb - February 26th, 2011 3:43 PM

Hi everyone... to be honest this is my first time posting on any forum so it feels a little strange, but it's nice to finally find some people in the same situation. I have a 2 1/2 year old son who was a complete surprise (I was on birth control) and have now been ttc a second for about a year with no luck. To make matters worse, everyone I know who had a child around the same time as me has either had another, or is currently pregnant. I think my biggest frustration, since I'm the type that likes to plan ahead, is that I have no control over anything. The first kid came before I was ready, and now that I'm really ready for number 2 I can't make it happen.

Sorry for the venting. It's just been building up. :D

Burei - February 26th, 2011 3:46 PM

Waiting is a really frustrating time. I've got 5 days till my AF is due and the wait is killing me. My first 3 were all unplanned but now i'm planning number 4 it doesnt seem to want to happen. When is your AF due? Fingers crossed this is your month

Edaeb - February 27th, 2011 1:02 AM

I'm very very sorry to hear about your troubles, I can definitely relate, I too became pregnant while on the pill a few years ago before my husband and I were married, unfortunately that ended in MC, but when we decided we were ready to try, nothing was happening for SO long! The frustration and stress just built up and my AF disappeared altogether, so I finally had to go to my OBGYN and get some assistance. My husband and I went through all the necessary testing to find out we had "unexplained infertility" and my doc of course suspected that the absence of my AF meant no ovulation so she prescribed me Provera to induce my AF and Clomid to induce ovulation and I got my BFP the 1st month I ovulated (3rd month of being on Clomid). I also have a close friend who conceived her first two children with no problem, she had regular cycles and regular ovulation, but needed a "boost" to conceive her 3rd so her doc prescribed a low dose of Clomid and she became pregnant on her 1st cycle!

The good news is that your body has accomplished pregnancy in the past, so one way or another, it can and WILL happen for you again .

wihs you good luck!

ISPRose - February 27th, 2011 11:57 AM

oh/ i'm sorry for this...

keep on trying and fight your frustration!

Candice - March 2nd, 2011 5:24 AM

I can relate to how you feel in some ways. I have this fear of being infertile. The good thing is that you already have a son. It is not like you are childless. If I were tested to have problems in bearing a child, what I would give to have just one child even if I can no longer have more. But for one I can call my own, that is really something I want. :)


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