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Bam Twig - February 9th, 2011 9:45 AM

i am married for four years, and i urgently need to have a baby. when i see some fathers who has their child with them i felt insecure. i like to ask some guidance of When is a woman's most fertile time?

ArtMucher - February 9th, 2011 10:11 AM

A woman's most fertile time is during ovulation. Ovulation typically occurs within day 11 to day 21 of a woman's cycle. f.y.i pls..

LusciousGoddess - February 9th, 2011 10:48 AM

How to count this? ..anyone knows?

Burei - February 9th, 2011 10:57 AM

counting from the first day of a woman's last period, day 1 is the first day a woman starts bleeding, the 11th day is most likely the earliest day a woman will ovulate. The 21st day is most likely the last. A woman's period comes between the 28th and 32nd day of the cycle. This may differ slightly because each woman's cycle varies.

Edaeb - February 9th, 2011 11:10 AM

these are such a great help for me. I'm a woman but i donnt knuw these things

Jastxpc - February 9th, 2011 11:15 AM

oh yeah!!! this is amazing.. i'll tell my wife about this so that we can have a baby right away..lolz :)

CookingLady - February 9th, 2011 11:37 AM

for us wives, it's best to tell our husband when we are most fertile...this helps us get into pregnant

PureMuffin - February 9th, 2011 12:08 PM

According to a recent survey conducted at the World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, 20 percent of the problems in conceiving are due to a couple’s failure to time intercourse correctly during the woman’s fertile time period. that's why wife, girlfriend, ladies, women whatever we must now learn to know when we are most fertile. :)

Fictionappleby - February 9th, 2011 12:20 PM

The Opinion Research Corporation International (ORC) found that most women don’t know when they can become pregnant. Nearly all women (98 percent) of reproductive age are unclear about how many days each month it is possible to get pregnant, and more than half (52 percent) of women aren’t sure when those fertile days occur during their cycle. Most parents do not know the day(s) on which their children were conceived.

ISPRose - February 9th, 2011 12:29 PM

To increase chances of becoming pregnant, women should monitor their body’s fertile time period - the time that sperm can survive within a woman’s reproductive tract until ovulation and fertilization can occur.

aIsland - February 9th, 2011 3:12 PM

A woman’s most fertile period is typically several days (usually not more than 5-6) ending on the day after ovulation. Because menstrual cycles vary from one woman to another and even from one cycle to the next in the same woman... hope this helps! good luck to your wife Bam Twig :D

MoodyLady - February 9th, 2011 4:44 PM

I guess, identifying a woman’s fertile time period can be challenging :(

Depoo - February 9th, 2011 5:08 PM

Bam Twig dear,

Youf wife can use calendar method, to determine when she is most likely to conceive:

it goes, a woman can chart her menstrual cycle on a calendar to determine the days she is most likely to ovulate.

Burei - February 9th, 2011 6:38 PM

YOu can also try Basal Body Temperature (BBT)method - The BBT is a woman’s temperature first thing in the morning, before getting up or doing any activity. In a normal menstrual cycle, a woman’s BBT rises almost one degree from just after ovulation through the beginning of her next cycle.

Jastxpc - February 9th, 2011 7:22 PM

Try Cervical Mucus - most of the time the cervix produces a mucus that protects the body from sperm, bacteria and other organisms. For several days each month, the consistency of the mucus changes to allow sperm to enter the fallopian tubes. By monitoring these changes, a woman can determine her fertile time period.

source: wikipedia

zIce - February 10th, 2011 6:07 AM

I used symptothermal. Charting a combination of fertility indicators like cervical secretions and BBT can often help to indicate a woman’s fertile time period.

BunnySmart - February 10th, 2011 7:58 AM

My wife is taking medication: Antidepressants, antibiotics, painkillers, and other drugs used to treat chronic disorders and we learned that these causes temporary infertility.


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