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Kerrigan - March 1st, 2011 5:43 AM


I was wondering if Tubectomy is a reversible process. If so, has anyone undergone such process of reversing? Have you been able to conceive and give birth without any problems at all?


missybonbon - March 1st, 2011 7:17 AM

HI Kerrigan!

AFAIK Tubectomy can be reversed.
No I have not had Tubectomy and don't plan to have one.

Heart7654 - March 1st, 2011 8:29 AM

I agree that ligation is reversible. I remember my doctor said that it is when I asked him about it. It will involve a surgical process of course.

Consult your doctor, if not, you can read about it on the Internet.

Here is what Wikipedia says:
"Usually there are two remaining fallopian tube segments—the proximal tubal segment that emerges from the uterus and the distal tubal segment that ends with the fimbria next to the ovary. The procedure that connects these separateds of the fallopian tube is called tubal reversal or microsurgical tubotubal anastomosis."

Kerrigan - March 1st, 2011 4:06 PM

Much obliged to you both for answering. I was really under the impression that once the tubes are tied up that's it. So thought and thorough consideration must be done before committing to a ligation in case I regret the decision later. I might want another child.

For now I have 2 boys I am very thankful for. I wished for a girl but I guess we can't have everything. A 3rd one will also hurt our financial situation right now, so I'm being careful of unplanned pregnancy.


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