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lynlyn26 - February 26th, 2011 5:12 AM

So I went off BCP at the beginning of May and saw that some other ladies have recently gone off too. So far the bad part is major PMS . Anyone else notice changes ?

sweet_daisy - February 26th, 2011 5:51 AM

yes....I know what you mean.

After 2 days off the pill I had a really short AF with really bad stomach cramps. This only lasted 4 days. I was away for the weekend and when I came home I was really moody with OH for no real reason other than PMS..possibly...

I've started charting my temps to see when and if I ovulate so I can monitor as to when my cycle is getting back to some sort of normality.

What pill were you on??? What are your symptoms??

sayp - February 26th, 2011 5:56 AM

My story - not meant to scare anyone!

When I went off the pill Microgynon I went a little crazy

I got the shakes which was soon followed a really bad anxiety attack (my doctor thinks it was triggered by the hormonal changes), after 6 months on anxiety medication I am now fine. My acne has come back with a vengeance and as I anticipated my periods are non existent (had tests - all clear) I'm just very irregular it seems but I was before I went on them so my GP isn't overly concerned. I am also more hairy

Only thing I have really noticed that is in the positives is that I don't seem to have PMS at all (most likely from my lack of cycles) but I did suffer quite badly on the pill with PMS and I did lactate for about 2 months when I first started them - Very weird side effect !

callme_liss - February 26th, 2011 6:04 AM


my downs-acne has returned(was cleared up while on pill),tummy seems to be crampy most of the time,not knowing when af is due,wasnt v.regular before bcp

my ups-increased sex drivethink thats about it

letberry27 - February 26th, 2011 6:21 AM

Ive not had any downs!!

I feel alot happier, less fat, less spotty and more level!!

js_B3th - February 26th, 2011 6:25 AM

Have you managed to sort your cycles out???

mjohnson - February 26th, 2011 6:33 AM

Down:Acne, also (although this isn't a problem while your on the pill) I have no idea if I ovulated. I chart but that didn't show anything so I just thought this month I didn't ovulate. Then my gyno told me you usually don't get your period unless you ov, but I got my period. Ugh! so confusing. I really wish it were easier to come off bc.
Ups: getting to know my body again.

carla@49 - February 26th, 2011 6:39 AM

well i was on it for a while then went off cuz i was making me bad with pms and even on the pill i wasnt regular...going off of it i had the withdraw bleed then a period the same month then nothing at all for about 6 still messed up to this day...acne returned

when on b/c its supposed to make u not O and the bleeds monthly r withdraw makes me wonder y my body never went to normal and ovulating on its own or having a new cycle now..

woman_R - February 26th, 2011 6:42 AM

I was on Alesse for 8 years with really no side effects except a reduced libido. Before being on the pill I was ovulating twice a year so now that DH and I are a year or so away from TCC we thought it would be a good idea to see if my cycles have regulated. Right now I *think* I am a day or so away from getting my period but I'll have to wait and see.

landy - February 26th, 2011 6:52 AM

I went off and the worst thing I've had was something like hot flashes. Other than that I'm pretty much ok.


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