The IVF Procedure
Dreaming ahead to the day you’re going to be a mother, you likely never thought that you’d have to worry about things like infertility and problems conceiving. You likely also imagined that the conception of your baby would be something romantic and magical—not in a little glass dish during an IVF procedure. Unfortunately, there are some things that we can’t always predict and being able to conceive naturally and easily isn’t something that happens for everyone.
The IVF procedure (In-Vitro Fertilisation) is something that we’re hearing of more and more. This has a lot to do with women waiting till later in life to become mothers. Age certainly isn’t the only cause of problems conceiving, but it is definitely a factor. While IVF may not be the old fashioned way to get pregnant that you’d been dreaming of, the procedure has made it possible for many women to become mothers after struggling otherwise.
About IVF
IVF is one of the many assisted reproductive technologies available today. Of all of them, IVF procedure is the most commonly utilized. The procedure consists of multiple stages which include the retrieval of the eggs from your body, the embryo culture stage where the embryos are fertilised and nurtured until ready to be transferred to your uterus and then the transfer of the embryos. This, of course, only scratches the surface of the IVF procedure and more detailed information about each stage is available here for you.
During the IVF procedure, many eggs are fertilised. Several are transferred to increase the chances of success. This has also been known to greatly increase the chance of multiple births. The remaining embryos that are not transferred can sometimes be cryo-preserved (frozen) in the event that you choose to have more IVF cycles. The use of frozen embryos for IVF is referred to as frozen embryo transfer—something that you will become more familiar with if you undergo IVF.
Are You a Candidate for IVF?
If you have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, then the IVF procedure is something worth looking in to. Many women who have trouble getting pregnant for various reasons turn to IVF, including those with hostile cervical mucus, damaged fallopian tubes or those who have had to have their fallopian tubes removed. Since age can be a big hindrance for some women trying to conceive, those who are having trouble conceiving due to their age (and the poor egg quality that comes with age), often turn to IVF. Couples in which the male is suffering from fertility issues are also good candidates for IVF.
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