Success Against Morning Sickness

While no one knows exactly why morning sickness occurs, there are certainly many theories about it and solutions that people have to offer. There are oodles of products on the market today that are said to help curb morning sickness. Most pregnant women will have to experiment with different products to find something that works for them. Here, we present a number of different products that have been successful with women and their first trimester morning sickness.

Eat Your Sickness Away

A number of foods and candies have been marketed to help to take away morning sickness. One very popular product is the pregnancy lollipop. Preggie Pops Morning Sickness Lollipops, for instance, come in ginger, mint and sour fruit flavors and are supposed to help with dry mouth and to give a fast energy boost. B-Natal and TheraPops, two other lollipop brands, contain vitamin B6 and sugar, both of which are found to help with morning sickness. Mommy's bliss Pregnancy Heartburn Comfort Chews are a heartburn helper that cuts down on the acids in the stomach. Finally, the Ginger People have ginger candies that help with nausea. They come in hard form, chewy form and crystallized and help to ease the feeling of morning sickness.

Drink Your Sickness Away

Another idea to get rid of morning sickness is to drink tea. Ginger tea is said to be the most effective, as ginger has properties in it that help with vomiting and nausea. Remember, when you are looking for a good tea, search for one that is caffeine free. Caffeine has been tied to miscarriage and should be avoided during pregnancy.

Acupressure Bands

Acupressure bands are worn by people who tend to get sea sick, by chemotherapy patients and by those experiencing morning sickness. They put pressure on certain areas on the underside of the wrist where there is the acupuncture point that controls nausea and vomiting.

Oil Away Your Nausea

QueaseEase Essential Oil Therapy, and others like it, helps to alleviate nausea when it occurs. It includes a blend of pure essential oils and is said to calm and ease your nausea when you take a few deep smells of it. Similarly, Happy Mama Spray includes essential oils and flower essences. You spray it on your wrists and smell it when you are feeling sick.

This is a quick taste of the many products out there today that are marketed to help with nausea. Ask your friends what has worked for them and experiment with various products. Hopefully, with a bit of time, you'll find something that will work for you and that will help to dissipate your nausea. Keep in mind, as well, that your nausea will pass and that it's all for a great cause!


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